Thursday, June 30, 2005


The purpose of this post is to celebrate my friend Heath W. Some call him 'Heath Dubya'. Heath is on the A/V team at Grace Church and is a fellow Mac Addict, iPod user, Nikon D70 user, existentialist theologian and cullinery wizard. He also likes to scrap-book on the weekends. Peruse his blog here.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Can you rap?

I'm thinking about learning to rap. Here's what I want to model my style on.
Do you know of anyone who gives rap-rhyming lessons?

Also, beware of backmasking. Rock bands who encrypt reversed subliminal messages into songs. If you are prone to listening to your music collection in reverse (I think most of us do), then you may in for a shock. If you thought that some bands had explicit lyrics forward, just listen to what they are saying backwards! Beware.

PS. Did you know that in the KJV, the phrase 'gangsta rap' appears 0 times?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Fearfully and wonderfully made

Today Candra and I went to get a 3D scan of our little sprog (british slang for baby).
I've got 10 weeks to brush up my act before I become a Dad. That's not long. I've got a lot to brush up.
These verses have come up time and time again during our pregnancy.

Psalm 139

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

Spurgey... I like to call him. He may look a few sandwiches short of a picnic in this image, but thank goodness - his head is firmly on the right way. I daily read his devotionals 'Morning by Morning' and 'Evening by Evening'.
I read this one today and thought it could benefit others.

"Looking unto Jesus." {#Heb 12:2}
It is ever the Holy Spirit’s work to turn our eyes away from self to Jesus; but Satan’s work is just the opposite of this, for he is constantly trying to make us regard ourselves instead of Christ. He insinuates, "Your sins are too great for pardon; you have no faith; you do not repent enough; you will never be able to continue to the end; you have not the joy of his children; you have such a wavering hold of Jesus." All these are thoughts about self, and we shall never find comfort or assurance by looking within. But the Holy Spirit turns our eyes entirely away from self: he tells us that we are nothing, but that "Christ is all in all." Remember, therefore, it is not thy hold of Christ that saves thee—it is Christ; it is not thy joy in Christ that saves thee—it is Christ; it is not even faith in Christ, though that be the instrument—it is Christ’s blood and merits; therefore, look not so much to thy hand with which thou art grasping Christ, as to Christ; look not to thy hope, but to Jesus, the source of thy hope; look not to thy faith, but to Jesus, the author and finisher of thy faith. We shall never find happiness by looking at our prayers, our doings, or our feelings; it is what Jesus is, not what we are, that gives rest to the soul. If we would at once overcome Satan and have peace with God, it must be by "looking unto Jesus." Keep thine eye simply on him; let his death, his sufferings, his merits, his glories, his intercession, be fresh upon thy mind; when thou wakest in the morning look to him; when thou liest down at night look to him. Oh! let not thy hopes or fears come between thee and Jesus; follow hard after him, and he will never fail thee.
"My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness:
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name."

Spurgey kicks it old school.


Tuesday, June 07, 2005


The new Coldplay album - X & Y, is awesome.

Yes, awesome.

I mean, I knew it was going to be good - but I didn't expect every song to be 10/10. What a triumph for modern rock music.
Money well spent indeed. I also spent some money on a great movie this week - Star Wars. It's been a good week for me entertainment wise.

Although, I'm still a bit miffed that I won't be able to go the Coldplay concert when they come to town in Sept. I can't justify shelling out an arm and a leg for a 'lawn seat'.
It's been a good week.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


I was quite pleased to discover two new movies. Being a big fan of the Brit Gangster movies (Lock Stock, Snatch etc) I was happy to see a headline advertising Guy Richie's new offering 'Revolver' which is in the realm of 'movies-about-bad-guys-who-you-know-you-shouldn't-like-but-actually-inspire-you-to-be-a-badass-good-guy'.
It looked possibly a little too dark from the trailer, like the kind of movie that may not leave you with a good feeling.

I also read about another Brit Gangster movie called Layer Cake which I am going to check out.

Once in a while I will go to see a movie and come away totally inspired to pursue my faith in a fresh new, determined way. I think about the cool parts in the movie, like when all the good guys are together and working out a solution etc... and then in my mind I will be thinking "that's what true fellowship should be like! everyone has each others' back and it's gritty and real and everyone's making it happen in prayer as a team on their knees.." with a cool soundtrack playing wherever we go.