Tuesday, February 28, 2006

In my world, it doesn't get much better than this.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Introducing Sprogblog

I'm proud to announce a new blog - welshsprogblog. 'Sprog' is brit slang for 'baby'. Yes, my wonderful, beautiful wife has come of age (digitally, that is) and she has seen fit to launch a blog after much harrassing from myself and others. The last to jump on the bandwagon, she is sure to bring much insight, humor, recipes and home-making tips.
Please encourage her, link to it, leave comments, and read it. You're sure to find lots of photos of Alec and embarrassing stories about me that you won't find on this blog. Her blog will no doubt scratch an itch in the world of blogging.

Friday, February 24, 2006

What a wonderful world

Not that I'm opposed to people getting what they want, and hurting people to get it, but this is getting really old. In the last few weeks, the two closest commercial buildings to my house have been robbed at gunpoint. This morning I woke up to the sound of the News Chopper 9 helicopter hovering above my house and street. Wondering if the UMB bank at 79th & Wornall had been robbed again, I turned on the news to actually find that someone at the Kicks 66 gas station had been shot (right across the street from UMB). Yeah, so this all leaves me feeling pretty good about our neighbourhood, or, perhaps - 'hood' as I've come to realise today.

After 2 shootings in the last few weeks within view of your house,

Do you -

a) Continue living where you are
b) Sell up before you get shot
c) Pretend that nothing happened
d) Turn yourself in

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What would YOU do?

Final Cut Pro cannot autosave your project unless you save it first.

Would you like to save it now?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Sounds like an interesting sermon...

This seems like a good deal...

Friday, February 17, 2006

Power Mac G5 Quad

For all the Apple geeks out there. Here is a G5 Quad strip-tease. I think I'll let the pictures do the talking...

I'll open it up soon and show you what's inside!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Have an Andrew Christmas

If you belong to the Michael family (and, chances are - you don't) and your name happens to be, say - 'Andrew' (and, chances are - it's not) - here's what your outrageous Christmas gifts may look like.
So, if anyone's up for a mysterious game of 'Andrew' - please let me know and maybe can arrange an 'Andrew' night. I'll even make a guest appearance.
I hope y'all's Christmas was as materialistically satisfying as mine was.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Chicks dig my son

Chicks used to dig me. Not anymore. Now, they dig my son.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Life made easier

Who's ever muttered "there must be a better way to keep this house in order!" under their breath? Or, "I wish I had a personal Mary Poppins!" or maybe even "A magic wand would be real nice"? Or "where is my wife when I need her?". Maybe you're a man who's wife struggles to complete (or even start) her daily housework chores. Finally - a solution!
Put your wife to work with Real Simple - a magazine for women who aspire to be good, quiet, robotic, complient wives who take pride in their home. My wife has taken to it like a duck to water. She evens wears an apron and bakes fresh cakes every morning before I leave the house for a day of gruelling work. And, before you ask, yes - she still has energy to give me my nightly back-rub.
Now, when I ask her to accomplish a task, I hear a cheerful "yes, dear", and off she scuttles to complete her assignment. This is a must for every wife.
Real Simple - Real Results. Thank you, Real Simple magazine!!