Friday, November 25, 2005

The Blake Siblings

It was truly a blessing to meet Tom's sister a few weekends ago. Granted, I had to do a double-take when she walked through the front door because they look so much alike. The family likeness is, well - truly remarkable. But, she's good with kids as you can see in the photograph. Unfortunately, I think she caught her clothes on a thorn bush before they got here so she had to borrow some of Leah's clothes. Leah is a very generous person indeed. Selfless and kind.
Anyway, it's always nice to meet new people, and Tom's sister is no exception. We hope to be seeing a lot more of her in the coming months.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Drink coffee and win!

If I said "I hate coffee so much." that would be me lying. I really like coffee a lot. My favorite coffee is the Roastery Espresso blend. I once went house to house down my street knocking on doors and throwing handfuls of beans, point blank, at anyone who would open their door to me.
I have to tell you about the greatest espresso in Kansas City, in my opinion. Yes, I know there are talented Baristas in little poor hidden coffee shops across Westport, Downtown and Midtown - but if you ever find yourself at the new Roastery coffee shop in Brookside - you will get the best espresso around. I even actually heard someone once say the words "I like the Roastery coffee flavour." Amazing! Particularly this blend (which they use for all coffee drinks in the shop).
This handy little can is jam full of beans (LOOK! You can even see the beans packed through the tin at the top!!). No more folding and unfolding of those pesky bags. Buy this tin...and win!! When you've finished the contents - just buy the beans in those pesky bags and pour them in! Pour them in...and win! Don't add gin...and win!

Here are some interesting facts about coffee.

Vincent Van Gogh was a big frequenter of the café society and famously said “I have tried to show the café as a place where one can go mad.”
* Pope Clement VIII loved coffee and authorised its use.
* Revolutions have been planned in coffee houses, namely the French and the American Revolutions.
* At the end of the 16th century records show there were at least 500 cafes in Istanbul alone. The first European cafes were opened by immigrants from Asia around 1650.
* A coffee tree has a lifespan of about 50 to 70 years.
* The coffee cherries turn from yellow to orange and then bright red, 6 - 8 months after flowering.
* When it is in bloom, the coffee tree is covered with 30,000 white flowers which begin to develop into fruit after 24 - 36 hours.
* A coffee tree can flower eight times in any one year - depending on rainfall.
* There are 900 different flavours of arabica. Complex and very volatile, they deteriorate if exposed to air and light.
* The aromas in coffee develop at the 10th minute of roasting.
* Coffee increases in volume during roasting by 18.60%.

This coffee (see below) also left my house smelling so good for probably 2 hours or so. The Roastery win this month's 'Andy's British Coffee Stamp of Approval of Great Britain.' award.

Friday, November 18, 2005

The Ugly Duckling

At last the large egg broke, and a young one crept forth crying, “Peep, peep.” It was very large and ugly. The duck stared at it and exclaimed, “It is very large and not at all like the others. I wonder if it really is a turkey. We shall soon find it out, however when we go to the water. It must go in, if I have to push it myself.”

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Baby Einstein

I'm sitting here watching the most bizarre, cheaply produced DVD which has earned the inventor at least $18m from just the first DVD in the series. My 10 week old newborn baby is also here watching the most bizarre, cheaply produced DVD which has earned the inventor at least $18m from just the first DVD in the series. The phenomenon know as Baby Einstein.
People make big bucks from the weirdest ideas. I plan to come up with my own money-making invention. Although I fear that my magical money making invention will be the 9 to 5 in which most find their wealth. I was thinking "Move over Baby Einstein - what about 'Barbie Einstein?" What do you think this would look like?

Friday, November 11, 2005

Who is this man, and what does he do?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A small thank you

While I'm thinking about what to post next, I would just like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who suggested a topic. Without everyone working together, this blog would never have come this far. The reason this blog shines onto computer screens across the world, daily, is due to everyone's hard work and efforts. Well done everyone. I can't do it without you.
In the meantime, here is another inspirational devotion. Never does any harm to keep this stuff fresh in our hearts.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Win a brand new iPod Nano!

I've had numerous requests for a new post. A new piece of wisdom. A valuable titbit of information. An inspirational thought. I know that many of you hang on my every word. I've even known my friend, Luke, to refresh my blog a few times an hour to check for new content. I know what kind of hysteria there is out there for my blog.
So, tell me - what would you like me to talk about? What subject should I tackle next? Suggest something before 11/7/05 in the comments and you could win a brand new iPod or iPod accessories! (see image)